Sep 9Liked by Kilovar 1959

The last thing I want in my house is a "smart" thermostat. I want a dumb thermostat that does exactly what I tell it to do.

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Sep 9Liked by Kilovar 1959

Very nice article my friend

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The big concern I have centers around economic class. The economic elites will be untouched by any form of demand response programs. OTOH, the poor will be most harmed. The United States needs energy abundance, not programs that create and normalize energy poverty.

Regrettably, California is a pioneer in creating energy poverty with the highest electricity rates in the continental U.S. Note this sad fact as well: "The [California] poverty rate rose from 11.7% in fall 2021 to 13.2% in the first quarter of 2023, according to the California Poverty Measure (CPM), a research effort by PPIC and the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality that accounts for housing costs and safety net benefits." [California is the most populous state. The population of California in 2020 was 39,503,200. In in 2023 it was 38,965,193, a loss of over 1/2 million. The high cost of living is the most likely driver.]

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A very good point Gene, these programs always flow down the proverbial financial hill to those unable to rise above them.

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Democratic party of freedom wants CAGW denial to be a crime (Walz).

Real criminals are the bellicose, screeching, fearmongers and their bogus GHE.

Believe = religion

Think = opinion

Know = science

Here’s what I know.


Water vapor, clouds, ice, snow create 30% albedo which makes the Earth cooler not warmer.

W/o GHE there is no water and Earth goes lunarific, a barren rock ball, 400 K lit side, 100 K dark refuting a warming GHE.

“TFK_bams09” GHE heat balance graphic and ubiquitous clones don’t balance plus violate LoT.

Kinetic heat transfer processes of contiguous atmospheric molecules render a surface black body and it’s “extra” upwelling GHE energy impossible.

GHE is bogus and CAGW a scam so alarmists must resort to fear mongering, lies, lawsuits, censorship and violence.

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